Immediate Past President:
Valerie E. Robinson "Doc V"
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
God bless you Fraters and Sorors,
Thank you! It has been an honor to serve as the President of the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Washington, DC (DCNPC) for the 2020-2024 terms. Continuing our legacy from our council installation in 1946 and the Presidents on record from 1951 to today. We have had twenty-two Presidents, thirteen male and nine females (1st 1958) a leadership of diversity and courage.
I am motivated and humbled as I transition this mantle to the next DCNPHC President in June 2024. In serving our community and working with the seventeen chapters of the Divine Nine (African American Intercollegiate Greek Lettered Fraternities & Sororities) in the District of Columbia, and our phenomenal delegates.
During my tenure I was able with a dedicated and committed executive board to ensure an Intergenerational Model of Leadership promoting “Everyone Matters.” During the toughest uncertainty of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, our country’s racial and social unrest and unpresidential violence in our community. We stood strong and served the community and bridged the gap between the local Divine Nine and set a National precedence of excellence in
community service and virtual social engagement. We promoted health & wellness, understanding the marriage between spirituality and science during the early days of COVID -19 safety protocols, vaccines, and used our creativity to strengthen our community by promoting and using African American businesses. As the world reopened we peeped out and came out strong and strengthened our national service partnerships, and with the National and Local Pan-Hellenic Councils, the University of the District of Columbia, United States Department of Air Force - Science Program , Prevention of the Blindness Society, Black Health Matters - Digital Information, Frederick Douglass Foundation, Seabury Resources for the Aging, House of Ruth, All of Us Research - BGLO, Dignity Memorial, American Red Cross Chesapeake Region, Johnson & Johnson Innovation, African American Male Wellness Agency, Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc., and the Washington Wizards. We did it!
I believe that the next leadership team will take our legacy higher, increasing community presence and service, local and national collaborations, understanding that mistakes are growth tools that lead to excellence, transparency leadership, and never forgetting those who came before building better and stronger. I thank you and look forward to serving behind the scenes promoting the greatness of all of you…
Soror Valerie E. Robinson “Doc V”
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated
President DCNPHC 2020-2024
#WeAreOne #DCNPHC1930 #WeAllMatter #Diversity #InclusiveInThought #Divine9Strong
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